Monday, November 22, 2004

androgenetic alopecia

balding suits with stock options
and retirement pensions waver
under the pressure of BigMoneyMan
weighing down the other end of the scale.
his life is up for sale and the bright future
of the american dream grows pale.
neck-tight neck tie chokes the life
from his tiny, shiny globe.
will he ever know that life
is more than capital gain?
and his children's future
will be just the same...
until he gives up his shame.

"i beg defiance of all oppressive states
i beg defiance for all those kept in line
it's time to rearrange all forces that try to contain
they've always justified power struggles while helpless die
we feel the oppression
the blood is on our hands
compassion is sacrificed for ignorance
that's the price we pay for convenience."

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